Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Europa Page 2


JTW said...

is this like, a series?

Elana Pritchard said...

It's four pages of a story that I am posting up one by one as they are colored. I don't know what I am going to do with the story when it is all done. You can see the pencil a couple of posts down.

Kirk Nachman said...

A very interesting sequence of cartoon abstraction. Reminds me of the psychedelic oddities of Rick Griffin and his rubber-hose Mickey appropriations as seen in his one shot Man from Utopia book. As a kid I loved his style, but was always frustrated with his seemingly pointless and surreal pages, however, now, and for many years since, as I'm getting old, I'm completely sympathetic to his formalist handling of cartoon imagery. how's that!?

Elana Pritchard said...

I see what you mean. Europa does have a story, but unless you are really examining the panels it could be easily become overshadowed by all the color, etc. Releasing it one page at a time doesn't help, unfortunately, but I'm not patient enough to keep it hidden away until it is completed.

I think it will frustrate some people, and some people will really like it. This is the kind of thing everyone will see differently, at least that's how it's been received so far.

Kirk Nachman said...

I certainly see a chain of events, but as yet nothing which suggests a conventional narrative supported by dialogue, etcetry. The title suggests something epic, monumental, and in its current state affects me like the abstruse title of a painting. I'm finding this all a very positive experience. I suppose I'm not as interested in straight strips... Hope this opining of mine isn't irritating for you. Keep up the good work!